Program & Replays

Sound Healing With Tuning Forks: The Art and Science of Human Tuning

Broadcast on July 10, 2023
With Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD
Hosted by Alec Sims

Dr. John Beaulieu will demonstrate how to work with tuning forks for one's self, family, and friends. In this session, John will teach you  how to meditate with tuning forks for increased wellness, and how to tap with tuning forks, focusing on clearing physical and energy trigger points.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Three different ways to play Biosonic tuning forks, and the advantages of each method
  • The importance of using Biosonic tuning forks for daily sitting and active meditation practices 
  • Sound and movement with a specific emphasis on “spinning sound” to release physical and energy trigger points
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Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD

Naturopath, Psychologist, Composer & Co-Founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd.

Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, is a composer, musician, psychologist, and naturopathic physician whose work focuses on the development of tuning forks as musical instruments — tuned to precise mathematical formulas to affect consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening. He is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to “tuning the world.”

Dr. John is the author of numerous research papers and professional publications, including Music and Sound in The Healing Arts... Human Tuning Vol. I: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks... and Vol. II: Sound Healing and Values Visualization.

His research publications focus on the benefits of nitric oxide, sound, and the relaxation response related to vagal tone. He is the composer of Calendula: A Suite for Pythagorean Tuning Forks and Apollo’s Lyre: A Modern Adventure in Ancient Cosmic Harmony.

He lectures around the world on sound and healing and performs special sound-healing concerts with tuning forks called Human Tune Ins™.

Dr. John has been a practicing clinical therapist and professor for 45 years. He graduated from Purdue and Indiana Universities, where he studied psychology and music and went on to serve as a supervising therapist and researcher at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City.

Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD