Program & Replays

How Sound Awakens the Audible Body

Broadcast on July 12, 2023
With Vickie Dodd
Hosted by Alec Sims

According to Vickie Dodd, your voice, when expressed with intention and awareness, dispels the amnesia that can settle in your physical form as congestion, and helps stimulate circulation which feeds your brain. Using your voice to activate somatic sound healing is one of the quickest and surest ways to change and rearrange your structural posture, your emotional stance, and your psychological perspectives.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to use your voice to process emotional memories that are undigested and stuck in the tissue
  • The structural bodywork of the voice changes your form, especially postures shaped by emotional or psychological conditions
  • How sounding wakes up the audible body
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Vickie Dodd

Director of SacredSound Works, Author, Poet & Aston Kinetics Teacher

Vickie Dodd, director of SoundBody Productions, is an internationally known pioneer in the field of sound as bodywork. She is an Aston-Kinetic teacher, author, poet, nutritionist, herbalist, workshop leader, and musician. She started using sound as a healing modality in her work with her clients nearly 50 years ago, and has trained with many masterful teachers in the art of body therapies and spiritual purification tools.

Vickie also incorporates serious study and exploration into the curative aspects of sound, color, and movement in her work. She designed a system that integrates emotional memories within the physical body, and facilitates the release of long-held emotional distress. She's consulted with organizations and professional groups, assisting them to address specific issues they encounter in their work and life responsibilities.

Vickie has organized workshops, conferences, and residential training for several decades. She's a performer of sacred sound, has toured with Joe Fonda's jazz group in Europe and the U.S., and has recorded with avant-garde jazz great Anthony Braxton. She's had the privilege of working with many fine musicians.

In addition to her new book, The Audible Body, she's the author of Tuning The Blues To Gold: Soundprints, and has several recordings available. She lives in Port Angeles, Washington, and teaches in Europe, South America, and many locations around the U.S.

Vickie Dodd