Program & Replays
Finding Your Unique Sonic Style
Our relationship with sound and vibration can be an intimate one. Christina Grozik discusses what resonates with one person may not be the same for another. While there are many approaches and tools that can be incorporated into designing a sonic practice, it's important to discover the secret to creating your own unique style and shining in your technique.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Sound offerings from private sessions to group experiences to self-care, and how to make each one dynamic
- The superpower that makes your sonic style exceptional and the keys to unlocking an effective sound practice
- What goes into constructing a sacred sound space and the elements that are essential in establishing a harmonious environment
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UPGRADE HEREChristina Grozik
Christina Grozik's background is an eclectic one, having worked as a coordinator in the media production industry, a public speaker, a teacher at Kent State University, a producer of the wellness documentary Going Om, and as a regular presenter for Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.
While wearing many hats along her career path, she has always been fascinated with energy practices and has studied them for over twenty years. She incorporates a variety of modalities into her work as an integrated holistic health coach including her experience as a certified vibrational sound therapist, yoga and meditation teacher, polarity practitioner, and reiki master.
Working as a travel blogger, Christina spent seven years on the road documenting her journeys. She met extraordinary people, immersed herself in unique cultures, and encountered experiences that would forever change her life. Her workshops Traveling Light: A Mind, Body, and Spirit Guide to Wellness and Recognizing Synchronicities: Signs, Strangers & Spirit Animals were both inspired by her time traveling. Christina's other offerings include Sound Healing Trainings (Levels I & II), The Secrets to Raising Your Vibration, Embracing Your Empathic Gifts, and Finding Your Path to Peace.
Christina enjoys sharing her work with others and feels incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to do so. She has been a featured presenter, a guest, and/or teacher for a wide variety of both national and international audiences including Akron Children’s Hospital, Coast to Coast AM, Edgar Cayce's A.R.E., UPMC’s Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Kent State University, The University of Oklahoma, the Ohio Music Education Association Annual Conference, The Reiki Center, Lotus Rising Yoga, Delta Groove Yoga, and more.